Category: Uncategorized

Let’s Get Blogging! (again)

As you may or may not know, my webcomic The Illustrated Guide to Law is an offshoot of my old law blog The Criminal Lawyer. The old blawgosphere was great, because it was this huge ongoing conversation—lawyers around the country interacting every day, more or less thoughtfully, through their own...

Q&A Roundup Part 6

My comic was on hold for a bit this summer during a trial and the run-up to trial beforehand. I periodically reassured my readers that I was still here, and would be back once the “work” work was done. This spawned its own variety of reader comments. I had to...

Ferguson Q&A

From Tumblr: I haven’t seen the actual evidence yet, so I’ll hold off on analyzing the case just yet. As for the prosecutor’s actions? I think it was a strategy of wussing out. Let me explain: I’m pretty sure the prosecutor decided early on that either (1) there was no...

Hello again

Hello, again. That was quite the hiatus, there. Long story short, I sort of got the feeling that folks wanted me to spend more time on the comic, which ate into the time I would have spent doing this.  And eventually took over.  Which is a shame, because here I...


I’ve been taking a break from posting here while cranking out the last installments of my guide to criminal law. The last one went up today (it touches on terrorism, but the fact that it was posted on 9/11 was the purest coincidence). And just in time, too. Because the...

On Strict Liability, Regulatory Offenses, and Overcriminalization

The latest Illustrated Guide post is finally up. It only took for-freaking-ever, what with work and family and something like twenty rewrites. It goes into some of the problems with strict liability, overcriminalization and regulatory crimes — which is the perfect way to sneak in a (simplified) history lesson  on...

Plugging Away

In lieu of a regular blog post, I figured I’d leave a sample of the illustrated guide to crimlaw I’m doing on Tumblr (a link to the full series is over there on the right). Regular writing will resume shortly. Enjoy.    

Still here

We haven’t gone anywhere. Well, actually we did. We spent a couple of weeks visiting family for Christmas and New Year’s. And then took a week getting back on top of work. In the meantime, a dozen great post topics have come to mind only to be forgotten (or, if...

Be Right Back

Any SEO guru worth his fee will tell you that, once your blog gets some mention or award or whatnot, you need to pump out a lot of content right away. Otherwise, people who come to visit out of curiosity will stop coming back when they don’t see updates. And...

Worth Watching

Harry Morgan died this week. When we were in grade school, we knew him as Col. Potter on M*A*S*H and as the Sheriff in “The Apple Dumpling Gang,” two characters that seemed to our young eyes to be the most “real” on either show. But of course he did a...

So apparently we’ve got a Tumblr

  So now we have a Tumblr. It was bound to happen, really. There are plenty of questions, issues and misconceptions about criminal law; we like explaining things; we like drawing things (poorly); people like learning stuff with pictures… So doing a webcomic sort of guide to criminal law just...


The Criminal Lawyer made the ABA Journal Blawg 100 today, much to our surprise. We are quietly proud. Be sure to check out the list, there are a lot of excellent blogs there that might be new to you. And weren’t you just saying to yourself how you need some...

Read These

We probably shouldn’t have titled our last post “Free Time.” Apparently that was too hubristic for the gods, who have denied us any more for the writing of a post this week. At least one that’s more wheat than chaff. (The blogosphere has more than enough chaff as it is.)...

Free Time

We love reading the advances of real scientists doing real research. It puts us in our place when we’re feeling all smart — here are people actually advancing knowledge and doing stuff for real! — and at the same time we get to learn some really cool stuff. For example:...

Trying Out a New Comment Thing

We’ve just adopted a nifty little tool we’ve noticed on a few other blogs we follow — When you’re leaving a comment, if you provide the web address of your own blog, then it’ll provide a link to your latest blog post at the end of your comment. A harmless...