Tagged: Fourteenth Amendment

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Second Amendment Applies to the States

  For the record, our position on gun control is to use both hands, relax, and control your breathing. But let’s talk about the law. Last year, the Supreme Court historically decided that the Second Amendment gives individuals a constitutional right to possess firearms. The ruling, in District of Columbia...

Nat Hentoff Wrong on Rights? Say It Ain’t So!

The clip above is from a speech Nat Hentoff gave a little while ago, summarizing some of the problems he has with hate crime legislation in general, and with the bill currently being rammed through Congress. The day after he gave that speech, we wrote in more detail about our...

Why Liberal Justices Agree that “Reverse Batson” Error Doesn’t Violate Due Process

In a unanimous decision this morning, the Supreme Court ruled that “there is no freestanding constitutional right to peremptory challenges,” during jury selection in criminal trials. So even if a judge erroneously refuses to let a defendant challenge a juror, so long as that juror couldn’t be challenged for cause,...