Tagged: Law Enforcement

Tarnished Justice: Cops Meet Their Quotas, Even When Crime is Down

If you belong to a certain population, who cares if you get arrested for no reason? Certainly not certain parts of the NYPD, according to former detective Stephen Anderson. If there’s an arrest that needs to be made, and you don’t have a guilty person to arrest, you just “arrest...

They’re Not on Your Side

When we were kids, the police were the good guys.  They were who you could turn to if you got lost.  They were the ones who protected us from the bad guys.  They were on our side. When we were kids, of course, we learned a simplified version of reality....

“Collars for Dollars”

“Nathan, when you become mayor, I’m gonna be the first volunteer for your security detail.”  This was a detective speaking, back when we were an ADA in the Manhattan DA’s office.  My office, as usual, had about five cops in it.  I liked this detective, and asked how come he...

The Prosecutor’s B.S. Meter

I love reading Scott Greenfield’s blog Simple Justice. He posted a good one the other day called “Another Prosecutor Loses Her Virginity,” about a former prosecutor, Rochelle Berliner, now a defense attorney, who just came to the realization that cops sometimes lie. Her epiphany was published in Saturday’s New York...