Tagged: Investigations

Doctors: Got “Incentives?” Better Get a Lawyer.

  We’ve written about an upcoming wave of white-collar prosecutions, especially against Wall Street types. But wait, there’s more: the feds are now about to start prosecuting doctors. The Department of Justice and the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services are about to start prosecuting physicians...

Recession Creating More Work for Defense Attorneys — But Not More Criminals

  A couple of weeks ago, we were at a luncheon with some white-collar defense attorneys, listening to a presentation by the acting U.S. Attorney, Lev Dassin. Mr. Dassin let us know that, although he couldn’t spill any particulars, there are a number of ongoing investigations at the Southern District...

We’re Not Alone

  Yesterday, we observed that there have been a lot of Ponzi schemes coming down lately, and asked what gives? Today, the Wall Street Journal made the same observation, and asked the same question. Here are some points from the article: * In 2007, the SEC had brought civil actions...

Yet Another Massive Ponzi Scheme Alleged. What’s that tell you?

Nick Cosmo, the 37-year-old head of Agape World Inc. and Agape Merchant Advance, was arraigned today on charges that he ran a Ponzi scheme that cheated investors out of $370 million since 2006. The feds allege that about 1,500 investors were promised annual returns of as much as 80%. These...

“Not With Me, They Don’t” – Race Not a Factor in Sentence, Says Judge

  District Court Judge Percy Anderson sentenced Jeanetta Standefor to more than 12 years in prison on Tuesday, for running an $18 million Ponzi scheme that preyed on middle-class black investors. Standefor, who is also black, solicited investments from 650 people around Pasadena who thought the money would go to...

Wave of White-Collar Investigations is Coming

“The nation’s top white-collar criminal defense practices are receiving a steady flow of inquiries from clients embroiled in the ongoing credit crisis,” reports the National Law Journal. This is consistent with reports we have heard within the white-collar defense community. With the economy continuing to take hits from the financial...