Tagged: search warrant

Hey feds, get off of my cloud (Followup)

Last month, we posted on the senate hearings on whether the feds need to get a warrant before getting emails and other stuff stored in the cloud.  The Obama administration would rather let the feds continue to get such stuff without bothering to get a warrant, as they now can...

Supremes Adopt and Define New “Police-Created Emergency” Doctrine

Interesting Fourth Amendment decision from the Supreme Court this morning, in a case which at first glance didn’t seem all that cert-worthy.  The facts are as run-of-the-mill as they come — an undercover buy-and-bust, the dealer ran into a building, arrest team followed in just as one of the doors...

Hey, feds, get off of my cloud

Our jury’s still out, and there’s so much stuff to catch up on.  There’s the 5th Circuit’s denial of Jeff Skilling’s appeal, even though the Supreme Court had struck down the “honest services fraud” charge last summer.  We were so ready to write something about it yesterday, but work intervened,...

Police Allowed Into Home, Shoot Dog and Unarmed Suspect

When the police ask if they can come in, SAY NO.  It doesn’t always end as badly as this, but it almost always ends badly. When the police (or investigators from a regulatory agency, or any enforcement types) ask you questions, SAY NOTHING.  You don’t have to talk to them,...

Cell Site Data — Is a Warrant Really Required?

The 3rd Circuit is hearing an interesting appeal on whether the government needs to get a warrant before demanding cell site data from phone companies. Cell sites are those transmitters you see on rooftops and towers, beaming and receiving cell phone communications. Their range varies from a few blocks to...