On Strict Liability, Regulatory Offenses, and Overcriminalization

The latest Illustrated Guide post is finally up. It only took for-freaking-ever, what with work and family and something like twenty rewrites. It goes into some of the problems with strict liability, overcriminalization and regulatory crimes — which is the perfect way to sneak in a (simplified) history lesson  on criminal law, to show how the problems developed. It wraps up with some preachy solutions.

It’s the longest one yet, with 56 panels and over 100 drawings. The tl;dr version is “good people still get in trouble, but it’s fixable.”

The first half can be seen here.

The second half can be seen here.

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Here are some random samples:

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See the rest here.

Next time, a real blog post. Promise.



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2 Responses

  1. John Neff says:

    Very good thank you.

    It is also possible to commit future crimes or regulation violations. The laws and regulations should be required to give the date they become effective. It would be nice if they also had an expiration date so the legislators and regulators are force to review them from time to time.

    We have 1,620 statutes in our state criminal code and the number of statutes with charges in a year is much smaller. We book about 270 statutes a year at our jail in a year and they are the same ones from year-to-year. My view is if there are no charges in five year interval the statute should be repealed.

  2. David says:

    I like these illustrations. My favorite has to be the last one, really good job on them.

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