Tagged: insider trading

Who Are the Real Victims of Insider Trading?

  Last week, the prosecution and the defense filed their sentencing memoranda in the Rajaratnam case.  Raj was convicted of 14 counts in all — 9 counts of securities fraud, and 5 conspiracy counts.  So what do the parties think that’s worth?  The feds asked Judge Holwell to sentence Raj...

Answering Your Most Pressing Questions

Real nice, Google. Because we were bored out of our skull this afternoon, we checked this blog’s stats on Google Analytics.  Browsing through the various keywords people have used to find this blog over the past year, all we can say is “The hell is wrong with you people?” Leaving...

Insider Trading, Expert Networks, and a Big Honking Due Process Violation

    First, a shameless plug: Tomorrow, we’ll be participating in a Dow Jones webinar for Private Equity and VC types, discussing how the current environment of insider-trading prosecutions affects them, and what they might do about it.  (Link here, if you’re interested.)  Of course, those guys aren’t so much...

White-Collar Wiretaps

This’ll be quick, because we’re pretty busy working on a wiretap case, which is always time-consuming if done right.  But as our mind’s on that topic anyway, we thought we’d quickly point out that the latest round of insider-trading cases is again largely derived from wiretaps.  Here’s a roundup over...

The Feds’ Insider-Trading Gamble

  The feds are really ramping up their insider-trading enforcement.  But instead of going after real insiders, they’re going after consultants and investors who use them.  This is a big risk for the feds, and they could lose big. It started a year ago, when the feds indicted a bunch...

Feds Could Lose Galleon Case

From where we sit, this case is anything but a slam dunk. Despite being based on wiretaps, we think the feds could easily lose this case, if the defense attorneys do their job well…